Tips on how to be a professional nanny
With the state of the world we live today, with social distancing, isolation, and the lack of expected return to normal any time soon, many parents are working from home and having their children’s school or childcare center arrangements falling apart. Some will return on a hybrid model and some are considering being completely remote. […]
What are your expectations for positive discipline?
Let’s start by taking a break and reflect on the most important fact before we start putting positive discipline into practice. The most relevant factor is to understand your true internal motivation and to understand why you are looking to change your approach. Understand the philosophy of positive discipline, which does not aim to make […]
The Nanny Educator is gaining more space in the market
If parents were already concerned with the quality of education they offer their children, as well as greater safety and comfort, with more knowledge of how the early years are crucial for optimal brain development and the new 21st century skills even in the job market, more and more, we are trying to educate children […]
Sibling rivalry
It is necessary to start thinking about sibling rivalry even before the firstborn is here, as it is important for the couple to talk about the family routine, values they will want to instill in their children and be proactive in thinking about the care they will require, challenges and occasions, in general, that will […]
How to stand out in interviews as a professional Nanny
Interviews are always one of the greatest challenges for nannies, as it is the first step in a new professional journey. And we know that in our work, in particular, the interviews are much more rigorous because the chosen professional nanny will take care of a family’s most prized possession, and raising children is no […]
Is it possible to prevent diaper rash? And how to treat them?
Having a baby for the first time is a unique experience for many parents. The adrenaline of having part of you concretized and amazing but there are challenges too, in not knowing how to deal with many new and frequently occurring situations, with a baby who is a fragile being and requires full attention. Some […]
How to make the first few days of your new job lighter?
How many times have you heard that when we love what we do, we don’t work a day in our lives and the days just fly by? However, it seems that when we start a new job the first few days can be challenging, long, and perhaps you even question your abilities a few times? […]
Protected: The Art of Confidence
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Protected: The Art of Negotiation
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Protected: The Art of Moving On – and UP!
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